So I had to write about the latest shenanigans coming from Capital Hill. And believe me, you can agree or agree to disagree. Cause if you downright disagree with a vengeance, I downright question your integrity and your character. So this is the thing right, all these knuckleheads are so gong-ho about getting rid of Obamacare. I don't know if it's simply because a black man was able to get it passed or what but let me tell you something. There are people with pre-existing conditions that needed healthcare. Some didn't qualify for the Risk Pools in their state if offered, some weren't eligible for Medicaid or Medicare. There were a lot of people who were sick and needed healthcare and had no idea how they were going to get treated so they skipped out on it altogether. Some cities do have low income places you can go to who will see you but the treatment there is limited. Maybe they can diagnose you but can't provide you the full care you need. So many women not knowing if the lump in their breasts was breast cancer or not, are now able to get mammograms for free with coverage. Routine exams are free. You can keep your child on your insurance up to the age of 26 no matter the status. It had so many pluses. Now true some of it was expensive for those if you didn't qualify for the subsidy. Those who did qualify didn't have to pay out the ass. So many people complain about paying for other's insurance or health coverage that they aren't seeing that when they get sick, they go to the ER, can't pay the bill so the buck gets passed down to them anyway. So to see that the Cheeto man and his peons are trying to repel isn't surprising. What pisses me off though is the bullshit they just tried to pass two days ago. You want to allow erectile dysfunction for these old farts but want to put a pre-existing clause on complications of a c-section, rape, and domestic violence? You don't want to give health coverage for mental health but you want the mental health to have access to guns? This shit is unbelievable. And to see a WOMAN in the house back this bullshit up is beyond me. See these people in Capital Hill are suppose to be our voices and that was a huge slap in the face to let us know they aren't for us. That bullshit is really a tax deduction for the rich. They don't have to worry about health coverage because at the end of the day, they have better coverage then all of us. They won't be on that bullshit. They got that 90/10% coverage or 100% coverage. If you want to get technical about it, we pay for their coverage too. It's crazy because it's like you must really hate women.
You must really hate poor people. It's like you're saying oh well if you die you die. What if you lose your job tomorrow and everything you were paying for that your group coverage covered, is considered pre-existing now and you can't get coverage for it? How would that make you feel? I feel like there is a big ass divide between the rich and the poor.
A huge lack of empathy and sympathy. We have a president in office trying to start WWIII and he can't even clean up the streets in this country. Flint still has bad water and they are being threatened with foreclosure if they don't pay. They have had bad water for over a year and NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE! WHY? Nobody cares because it's not happening to them? Do they deserve to live like that? It's crazy to me because everybody wants to get so angry and irate because the Syrian children were gassed right? But here in America, they are poisoning an area that is predominately black and nobody gives a fuck about them huh?
We have homeless Veterans who suffer with major PTSD from fighting overseas who can't even get treatment, oh but remember you people were so pissed off that Kapernick boycotted the flag and we have homeless Vets on the street.
So are you really mad about the flag or is it the message behind it? Remember the white folks were mad when Martin Luther King sat at the whites only counters and drank out of the water fountains meant for whites. They are both fighting for injustice but just like they didn't see things like it then, you guys don't see like it now.
You don't see anything wrong with the unfair treatment against blacks just like they didn't see anything wrong with it back then. But you care more for a flag and use Vets fighting for our country as an excuse why it's soooo disrespectful yet when they come home, America can't even take care of them like they should be. They put their "lives" on the line for a country who don't give a fuck about them. And here the same government surrounded by Trump's trust fund baby friends are making decisions for us lead by the Cheeto man and our bullshit Congress who just sealed their fate for their jobs because next year they won't have a seat anymore. We got to vote those gumps out. No way do they speak for me. They speak for themselves and they hate us. They do. They hate women. They hate minorities. THEY HATE US. Get those jerks out of office.
November 6, 2018 is the day we have to go vote. And really we need to be voting now. We can't take a chance any longer and not clean up the mess in our own towns. Get a new mayor who cares. A sheriff who cares. A judge that's fair and not in that pedophile ring. Get people who care about us, who speaks for us and who will fight for us and not pass bullshit like they just did two days ago. Shit is crazy.
I’ve been wanting to get back into the gym but I haven’t had any energy to do that. That’s far from me because I’ve always been a gym goer. Always like to lift and do cardio. I guess you can say in-between me having my son and my youngest daughter I kind of strayed and boy does it show. And not only does it show but I can feel it too. So one day one of my real good friends, Ashley Gray, was telling me about this stuff she used called The Cleaner. She was on the 14 day one and was talking about how she lost weight and inches while she was on it. And since she’s been off, she hasn’t had the desires that she use to have anymore. Like wanting to drink Dr. Pepper and just eat random things. So I decided to order it. Not only did I get it but I brought the 7 day one to see if I would like it. Which when you read the directions it tells you that you have to only take the pills for 7 days at a time even if you are on the 14 day one. So either way it goes I’m good. Then I read the reviews. Ki...
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