I’ve been wanting to get back into the gym but I haven’t had any energy to do that. That’s far from me because I’ve always been a gym goer. Always like to lift and do cardio. I guess you can say in-between me having my son and my youngest daughter I kind of strayed and boy does it show. And not only does it show but I can feel it too. So one day one of my real good friends, Ashley Gray, was telling me about this stuff she used called The Cleaner. She was on the 14 day one and was talking about how she lost weight and inches while she was on it. And since she’s been off, she hasn’t had the desires that she use to have anymore. Like wanting to drink Dr. Pepper and just eat random things. So I decided to order it. Not only did I get it but I brought the 7 day one to see if I would like it. Which when you read the directions it tells you that you have to only take the pills for 7 days at a time even if you are on the 14 day one. So either way it goes I’m good. Then I read the reviews. Kind of scared me.
So this is the thing about the reviews. I went through them all, good and bad to see what they all collectively said. More people than a little bit had admitted to having to poop a lot, bad stomach cramps, and to drink excessive water. The cramps and drinking water didn’t bother me. Well maybe the water part did but only because I love coke. I had to drink me a coca cola a day. It was that serious. And if I wasn’t drinking a coke, I was drinking hot tea with lots of sugar in it. One or the other, every damn day. And a lot of times more than once a day. So drinking water made me think like yuck and the pooping a lot had me on stuck for a minute because I don’t like using the bathroom at work. Not to do the #2 in. But even though you had those things that you could possibly be facing, because there were some folks who even said that it wasn’t that bad for them. It was like they were still living a normal life. They didn’t even see a difference. You still had the reward of getting rid of waste pounds, cleaning out your system, and just get back to feeling a healthier better you. That right there alone gives you that extra push to just want to try it and see. So I told myself right after your menstrual cycle, do it. After I got my period and got over that hell, I waited two days and started it.
Let me tell ya. They wasn’t joking about making sure you had a bathroom available to you at all times because MAN! You are going to need it. And maybe it differs from everybody due to the fact that sometimes the person doing the detox might not be as backed up as you, but I know that I was very bloated from all that coke I was drinking and all the sugar that I was consuming on a basis. After that first day of being on it, I don’t even have the temptation to go to Burger King or order out to eat. And by the second day I could not only see a difference around my stomach area, but by the way my clothes fit and my cravings were gone.
The capsules you are taking are like a vegetable soft gel type. You’re taking four in the morning and four at night. Now sometimes I got those stomach cramps too but after you go to the bathroom, they are gone. And after you’re done using the bathroom, you just feel better. Feel clean and lighter. I can’t explain it. I’m just dedicating this particular blog to The Cleaner because I think you should try it. Everybody should consider having a cleanse. We can get pretty backed up. Sometimes you need help getting all that toxin out of you. And it cleans your colon, liver, kidneys, blood, lungs, stomach, helps get rid of yeast, parasites if you have any, clears your skin and helps with your urinary. Now I’m reading straight off the bottle. Now I’m only on day two supposed to be three. But sense I’m having to do a turnaround at the hotel, I decided that I might as well wait and get back on it tonight because I don’t want to be checking somebody out and need to go to the bathroom right then at that moment. You don’t understand, it’s worse than having the bubble guts. And when you read the reviews, when they say sometimes you feel like you’re not going to make it, it does feel like that. I have yet to have accident and don’t plan on it. But man, I can only imagine what the scene would be like if you did have that unfortunate incident happen to you. For real for real.
Any way Happy Easter! Blessings all. Have a great weekend and the next time my fingertips grace these keys to give you incite on what’s on my mind next. Tootles.
I think my family has been through some crazy times here lately. Or the craziness is really just a thing of the past. Sometimes you have those who like to leave their hand on the stove until it's too hot for them to keep it there any longer. Sometimes that final intensity of the heat makes you think, damn I'm too old for this mess . I got to do something different. That's what made my sister (shown above) want to start her own business. She's always been creative. Very talented. She can look at anything and draw it, raps, sing, and is just business minded period. She's never been the one who likes to work for others. So when she said she was opening her own business and selling herbal soaps and etc, I was ecstatic about it. I can say that's how I got started in writing as well. Not necessarily exactly the same way, but let's just say I left my hand on the stove while I figured I should just write a story about this drama instead. I didn't all the way c...
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